Project Oásis – Fundação O Boticário

Project Oásis – Fundação O Boticário

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Project Oásis aims to strengthen the preservation of the remains of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and its associated ecosystems in the protected areas of the metropolitan region of São Paulo. The project focuses in particular on the springs and the water reservoir of Guarapiranga, and the protected areas in the municipalities of Capivari-Monos and Bororé-Colônia, encompassing a region of approximately 82,000 hectares.

The actions of the project contribute to the long-term maintenance of a strategic network of springs and reservoirs for the metropolis.

One of the major differentiators of this project is the technical and financial support in the preservation of natural areas in private properties, aimed towards owners that commit themselves to the maintenance of these resources. The mechanism rewards owners for actions made in service to the ecosystem, empowering those who protect the environment in practical terms.



Project Oásis takes place over the course of several stages. The primary activities can be divided in the following steps:

Selection of areas to be protected;
Evaluation of the environmental value of natural elements on the properties;
Establishing official contracts between Fundação O Boticário and the property owners;
Periodic environmental monitoring of the areas specified in the contracts.



Curucutu Parques Ambientais was registered in 2006 and in 2007 it was included in Project Oásis, receiving technical support and a semestral financial aid.