
Here you can access several relevant documents pertaining to Curucutu Parques Ambientais. For any additional information regarding documentation, please contact us at



On December 21, 1995, 10.89 hectares of Curucutu were officially recognized as a Reserva Privada do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN), a privately owned natural reserve, according to the terms of Decreto Federal 1922/96, and Portaria 102/95 of the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA).



On September 6, 1996, the non-governmental organization Curucutu Parques Ambientais was formed. This privately owned, non-profit organization was properly registered at the 4º Registro de Títulos e Documentos.

In 2003, the NGO was transformed into an Organization of Social and Public Interest, in order to facilitate partnerships with governmental entities. The certificate for this registration can be found as processo MJ nº 08026.000625/2004-27, in accordance with the terms of Lei nº 9.790/99, as per the Despacho da Secretaria Nacional de Justiça of  March 3, 2004, published in the Diário Oficial on March 10, 2004.


(Portuguese only)

Complete statutes of Curucutu Parques Ambientais

Record of the most recent council meeting (coming soon)

RPPN Certification 

OSCIP Certification